Radium Girls - November 02 - November 03, 2018

Pennsauken Stages
Pennsauken Stages
Pennsauken High School


Book by

D. W. Gregory






Yulia Abou Harb

Kyla Butler

Hailey Eisenhower

Avi Lopez

Stephanie Nguyen

Gracey Raymond

In alphabetical order


Jade Baisden

Antonio Candelaria

Julianna Fuentes

Molly Moran

Eustacia Pyne-Bailey

Imani Tyler



Christian Burkhart

David Charris

Jenairy Gonzelez

Angela Nguyen

Nate Ramos

Aliyah Wearing


Stage Manager

Annaliese DiVito

Directed, Costumes, and Set Design by

Kathryn Brown



Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois



Originally produced by Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey and developed with a commissioning grant from The Ensemble Studio Theatre/Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Science & Technology Project







Radium Girls is a work of historical fiction.  Although it is based on events that occurred in and around Orange, New Jersey, between 1918 and 1928, the characters and incidents portrayed have been shaped to serve the drama.  Certain characters are entirely fictitious and others are based on multiple individuals.