Cinderella - April 20 - April 22, 2023

Plymouth Christian Academy


Putting on a show like this is a monumental undertaking.  The Directors, Cast, and Crew would like to thank the following people for supporting the PCA Theatre Program:


Superintendant Terri White

Welcome to PCA and here's to many more successful collaborations! 



Calvary Baptist Church

Thank you not only for letting us use your sanctuary, but also for walking alongside us in our mission to educate students from a Christian Worldview.



Mr. Mike Costello

Thank you for taking our cast photos!



Administration, Teachers, and Staff of PCA

Thank you for your patience, your understanding, and your guidance.  Thank you for keeping us on track academically, and for your grace when we trudge into class dead-tired or turn the occasional assignment in late.  Above all, thank you for showing us what it means to live out loud as Christians, and for helping us on our journey with Christ.


Our Parents

Simply put: this show wouldn't happen without you!  Thank you for all of the ways in which you support us.  Whether you helped set up the stage, provided dinners during tech week, did hair and makeup, or provided extra support at home or with schoolwork, your contributions were instrumental in helping make this production a successful one.  Thank you, we love you!

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