White Christmas - December 09 - December 31, 2016

Randall Theatre Company

 End Notes 

From Randall Theatre Artistic Director

Robin Downward



Welcome to year number seven for the Randall Theatre! It seems like yesterday when a small group of people got together and put on a fun little melodrama called "Ranger's Danger."  It was the first show of a company whose goal was to make quality theater available at a price anyone could afford. How time flies when you're having fun! I couldn't be happier to see so many people supporting this little, quirky theater company. There are BIG changes on the horizon for the randall in 2017.  Although we can't announce it quite yet, our loyal patrons will be rewarded for their continued support.  For those of you who are new to us, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.  You're in for a good one.


A little known fact of the Randall Theatre is that everyone that works with the theater is a volunteer. From time to time as money is available, small gratuities are handed out, but for the most part everyone at the Randall Theatre is involved because they simply love it. The Randall is a true theater of the community. Art is not about money or how much you can get paid to produce the art you love. Art is about the creation of something wonderful out of nothing. Everyone at the Randall understands that. Getting paid to do something you love is wonderful, (take it where you can get it of course) but there's something to be said about a person who will willingly do something they love "just because". I am humbled at how many people are here because they simply love theater. For me, the Randall will always stand for "art for arts sake." The Randall will always remain at its heart a community theater company.


Listed in this playbill are numerous ways you can help the Randall Theatre keep producing quality live productions at a price everyone can afford. Whether it's by helping us financially, volunteering as a greeter during our shows or by helping with sets and other areas of production, all help is needed and appreciated.  Take a look and see where you are willing to help make a difference with us.  You can assist the Randall Theatre reach new heights in 2017.


A special thank you to our new friends Ron Dunn and Shelly Britt at "The Coop de Ville" for giving us a discount on our "Ear Trumpets."  We look forward to a great partnership with them in the future.


Thank you so much for sharing this special time with us.  We love and appreciate you.



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