Puffs - November 05 - November 07, 2021

Ridgewood Comm High School

 End Notes 


In this unprecedented era of theatre, we are so grateful to our frontline workers, nurses, doctors, retail workers, teachers, and our parents. Specifically, we are grateful for the help, the support, and love from the following: Mrs. Gina Costellano, Dr. Jen Kelsall, Mr. Tom Parrillo & The District 234 Board Members, Friends of Our Thespians (FOOT), Illinois Thespians, Educational Theatre Association, Joe Ringelstein, Megan Cantos, Maggie Molnar, Pam Mundy, Bernie Moore, Sarah Machaj, RHS Student Council Members, Pat Rossi, Jim Dudek, Tom Sticha, Dave McCormick, & the entire RHS Maintenance Staff, Sir Speedy Printing in Edison Park, Alicia Smith, Margaux Smith, Violet Smith, Brooklyn Smith, Robert St. John, and all of the faculty, staff, and family members who support us!


Director's Note

We all know the story of the hero. Even the unlikeliest of heroes. This play is not about them. Instead, why I embrace Puffs is that it is about the rest of us. Those of us who will have no songs sung in our honor. Those of us who will never have the blockbuster movie made about our lives. Those of us who others call insignificant. Those of us who fail. I mean, a lot  And then? We fail a lot more. But we know that failure is just another form of practice. And we never stop trying. It is not surprising then, that Puffs has become one of the most popular comedies among high school theatres across the country. Puffs are what we do. In so many ways, we’re wizards! And we welcome all. Hiiiiiiiiiiii! And we are so enthusiastic about being together that we are like one big Puff family. The “behind the scenes” look of our production is exactly what we want to produce. In the style of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Puffs takes us through the looking glass - ooooh, weird mirror.



The International Thespian Society is an honor society for student involved in their school's theatre and drama programs. Ridgewood High School is a proud member of ITS and is recognized as Troupe 6662. Each year several students are honored by being inducted as a member of the Society. Inductees must have completed at least one hundred hours of work on both sides of production (acting & technical), participated in a Ridgewood Drama Club community service project, and a Drama Club fundraiser. We note students who are memebers of Troupe 6662 by showing an astrick (*) next to their name. Honor Thespians, those who have worked more than six-hundred hours, are indicated with an additional carrot symbol (^). Additional honors, including academic honors, are bestowed upon graduating Thespians during the Ridgewood High School Graduation Ceremony. Please join us by showing appreciation for this dedication to the art of theatre by applauding for all of our students & keeping phones away during the show. Thank you for your patronage.

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