Cast Members - in order of appearance
Cheyenne Brooking
Malloree Fletcher
Pilot - driver of Prince Eric's ship
Ferris Overbey
Prince Eric - a prince who would rather explore the ocean than govern a kingdom
Colt Durbin
Grimsby - Prince Eric's valet
Dalton Moody
King Triton - the King of the Sea and Ariel's father
Bradley Lynch
Sebastian - an anxious crab and court composer for King Triton
Kaliyah Wade
Aquata - mersister, daughter of King Triton and Ariel's sister
Atina - mersister, daughter of King Triton and Ariel's sister
Zoe Crain
Allana - mersister, daughter of King Triton and Ariel's sister
Areli Hernandez
Adella - mersister, daughter of King Triton and Ariel's sister
Alasia Sims