Thoroughly Modern Millie - November 13 - November 17, 2014

Riverton High School

 End Notes 





I was just a kid when I first saw the film Thoroughly Modern Millie, staring Julie Andrews, Carol Channing and Mary Tyler Moore.  The crazy plot shifts, madcap characters and hilarious performances endeared the movie to my family and all of the friends who would watch it with me.

I am “thoroughly” delighted by the stage version of the musical. It keeps all of the best parts of the film and made the whole show even better! The moment I saw it on Broadway I knew I would direct it with my high school students. And once I saw how talented and hardworking our current Riverton students are, I knew this was the year to do it. I am so proud that they have risen to the challenge of rehearsing and performing a musical and of how much they have grown.   

Family and friends—thank you for supporting us with our crazy schedules, and when we randomly burst into song and tap dance on the kitchen floor.

Faculty and staff—thank you for your patience with us and for coming tonight. It means a lot.

Clin, Mary, Jason, Max, Mat, Brynn, Kathy, Scott, Bailee—you have my infinite thanks. I know how hard you worked to make my work load lighter.

 I dedicate this production to my friends and teachers from high school, who launched me into my current theatre trajectory.


And to my family, who still tap dance with me in elevators.

----Ms. Erin McGuire

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