Rent School Edition -

San Marcos High School

 End Notes 

From the Director:


It used to be said that RENT was a controversial musical.  Perhaps the time that we are living in doesn't find that to be as true as it was when it first hit broadway in 1996.  Regardless, I don't like controversy.  I don't like people to be angry. I avoid conflict.  The decision to produce RENT: School Edition at San Marcos High School didn't come from a desire to ruffle feathers or be bold.  The decision came from listening; to the characters as they struggled to find love and hope in a time which seemed to have those things, but was leaving them out.  The students of our department have faced incredible obstacles during the last few years.  We all have.  One thing that continues to surface is the idea to live as though each day could be the last.  The characters in this story face identity questions, bullying, financial hardship, a deadly virus, the pain of loss, and ultimately, wondering if creating or pursuing art even has a point.  Our department has faced most, if not all of these same struggles in the last couple of seasons.  Just as the characters in the story find, so we have discovered along the way that what truly matters is serving those around us, reaching out through community to provide hope, no matter what lies ahead.  I am so proud of this ensemble!



Special note to Seniors:

I can't begin to express how special spending the last five years with you has been.  I can still picture you walking in to that converted math classroom that we tried to make look like a theatre with some curtains for auditions for the OUTSIDERS.  I never intended to meet you in 8th grade and then spend your whole high school career with you.  What a blessing and an honor it has been.  We have made some beautiful creations together and surmounted some incredible obstacles.  Always remember what you have accomplished and how much you have grown.  You were a part of something built from the ground up.  No matter where you are in the future, if you ever need encouragement, remember there is always a short, crazy woman who made you do pushups who believes in you!!

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