Suite Surrender - June 05 - June 28, 2015

Sandy Actors Theatre
June 5 - 28, 2015
Sandy Actors Theatre 




Michael McKeever





 Jim Baumgardner

Kim Berger

Tracey Grant

Mary Weigel

Ian Leiner

Melissa Haviv

 Jennifer Souders

Bret Hatcher

Ruben Garza


Set Design

Vernon Souders



Judy Ralls

Produced by

Joni Tabler 


Light &
Sound Design

Doug Holtry

Costume Design

Anita Sorel


Stage Manager

Brandon Peterson


Directed by

Kraig Williams


 Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
 There will be one 15 minute intermission
 Special Thanks To:
 Michael Henley for the professional photos of the cast all season
 Deborah Lee for her donation of costumes to the theater 
To all the volunteers who help sell concessions, build and paint the sets
 To all our wonderful board members who tenaciously keep our theater going with all their
  hard work and dedication


Congratulations to Sharon Birge, winner of the gift basket drawing during

Morning's at Seven



Special Acknowlegement for Two Grants 


Clackamas County Cultural Trust/Arts Action Alliance Foundation

 Upgrade our lighting system for cost/energy efficiency



Software for the business and box office