The Pajama Game - October 04 - October 06, 2018

Scottsdale Preparatory Academy


Thank You's

Every year we are filled with gratitude for the community that helps these productions reach the size and quality that they are. We would love to thank everyone who made The Pajama Game a success, and revel in their dedication to our fine arts community. Without them, our job as the Production leaders would be impossible.


Thank you to...

Head Master Chaney for her artistic leadership and guidance. 

The faculty and staff of SPA for their support of their students.

The PSO for their support in the purchase of a new sound system.

Davis Entertainment for the guidance in the upgrades of our facility.

Xochitl Garcia for helping upkeep our theatrical home.

The National Charity League for their service.

Ryan Maloney for his set assistance. 

The Dodaro Family, The Rahme Family, The Moskow- Toel Family, The Altermann family, and The Davis Family for their support in feeding and fueling our motley crew.

The Speech and Debate team for running the concession stand.

Our audience for giving us their time and love during every performance.



Director's Notes

It is a bittersweet feeling to reach the end of this production. Even though it wasn't our original choice, The Pajama Game has been one of the best experiences we've had. From the music, to the dancing, to the building of costumes- I think we all feel like we are a part of the Sleep Tite family. It is incredible what our students pull together in the course of a few months for the production, but more impressive is their ability to connect with students across the grade levels and to work towards being their collective best. As always, with the joy of a job well done does come some tears, especially for our Seniors, whom we know are spending their last time on stage with us in a musical. While congratulations are due for everyone, we would like to extend a special Thank you and Congrats to Allison Gale, Kora Morrison, and Gabe Fatyga. Their leadership and dedication to our arts community over the past few years has been appreciated and their passion will be missed both on stage and off. Break a leg to the cast and crew! Thank you for joining us and enjoy the show!

-Sincerely, Mrs. C


Music Director's Notes

Dear Pajama Game Cast and Crew:

Throughout this show, our characters are overwhelmed by a strong desire from start to finish: their need to know that they are valued.  This is why I am proud of you. Because you are the students who reach out and show others that they are valued. Because I’ve seen you lift up those around you throughout this process, throughout all of the hard work that comes with a musical.  So yes, I am proud of you for how you care for others, and how you’ve grown. But more importantly, I am grateful for you and who you are. I value you, too, dear cast and crew. Break a leg!

With love and gratitude – Mr. Neely

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