Technical Director.......................................................Harvey Factor
Rehearsal Accompanist........................Kayla Albritton and Mary Cook
Stage Manager........................................................... Mike Vaughn
Crew Manager ........................................................... Jack Fletcher
Lighting Designer .....................................Al Smith and Patricia Lynn
Light Board..............................................Patricia Lynn and Al Smith
Follow Spots ..................................Jennifer Boroff and Alan McIlwain
Sound ..........................................Harvey Factor and Duke LeDonne
Projection Design .............................. Ellen Factor and Harvey Factor
Projection Control .............................Sonia Arana and Betty LeDonne
Videography and setup ......Alberto Arana, Joy Hamilton, Brian Kalmar, .......................................Ralph Kuhn, Rick McKelvey, Irene Stecher,
.......................................Jim Stecher, and Mike Swaar
Video Director ...........................................................Irene Stecher
Video/Audio Editing ..................................................Duke LeDonne
Photographer ............................................................ Kim Michaud
Webmaster ..............................................................Cheri Gardner
Box Office ........................Maggie Hepworth and Celeste Lauer Yanke House Manager ............................................................. Kim Smith
Golf Cart signs ...................................Cheryl Wilson and Stan Wilson
Program ..............Celeste Lauer Yanke, Ellen Factor and Harvey Factor
CREW (Set-up/Take-down/Backstage)
Alberto Arana, Barry Barufaldi, Jennifer Boroff, Josef Boroff,
Dave Butler, Tom Connors, Al Downes, Ellen Factor, Harvey Factor,
Andy Gensheimer, Ken Hallinen, Brian Kalmar, Sandra Kalmar,
Glenn Larson, Celeste Lauer Yanke, Duke LeDonne, Alan McIlwain,
Barbara Merritt, Phil Rymes, Kiran Shenoy, Donna Sica, Al Smith,
and Mike Vaughn
Ticket Takers and Ushers
Jack Benstock, Maxine Benstock, Al Christensen, Stan Cohen,
Cathy Dimick, Sue Seber, and Kim Smith
Special Acknowledgements
---A very special thank you to Kayla Albritton for becoming our
new rehearsal accompanist.
---Thank you to Doug Barbiero, Flavia Cugini, Maggie Hepworth,
Celeste Lauer Yanke, and Joan Swaar for assisting at the piano
when Kayla and Tim Albritton took a previously planned vacation.
---The Lifestyles and Housekeeping Staffs for helping to schedule and
set-up all our rehearsals.
---Celeste Lauer Yanke, Duke LeDonne, and John Wolber for assisting
with setting up chairs and taking down sound equipment at various
rehearsal sites.
---Ginny Fitzpatrick and our social committee for organizing our cast
and crew party and after caroling get-together.