Marilyn Ocker - October 27 - October 30, 2017

Spring High School

 End Notes 



From The Director:


As my first musical to direct, I wanted to select a show that would draw in the community because very few people appreciate classic musicals anymore.  They are more drawn to modern music, hip hop, rapping, so I thought... why not combine the two? In the Heights also breathes life into our hispanic community, and shows  audiences that many cultures have something important to  say.  Even now, in these very different times in our country, the spirit and soul of the people are recognized through their rhymes and relationships.  They show us what truly is valued by humanity: love and family. 

The cast and crew has overcome many insurmountable challenges to bring this show to life.  They are excited to tell the stories of these amazing people and their trials and triumphs. We hope you enjoy...


In The Heights


Katie Butler


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