Little Women - November 14

St. John Paul the Great Catholic High School
St. John Paul the Great Catholic High School
JP the Great Theater
Little Women




Laura Kleber

Jenny McIntosh

Jana Hobson

Sebastian Collazo

Diego Flamenco

Cynthia Harrison

Sophia Barrick

Elizabeth Kohler

Sabrina Harms

Michael Juchem

Allison McCrumb

Diana Gomez

Kimberly Ferguson

Katie Hugo

Natalie Marshall


Assistant to the Director

Ethan Bigbee


Set Design

Bryan Richards

Jacob O'Hearn


Lighting Design

Lean Salmeron-Curtis


Wardrobe Assistant

Jana Hobson

Stage Manager

Danielle Borneman


Running Crew

Bryan Richards

Ethan Bigbee

Andy Platt


Light Board Operator

Jack Loesel


Production Assistant

Natalie Marshall

Assistant Stage Manager

Vincent Olivera


Costume Design

Allison McCrumb


Sound Design/Operator

Adam Vitkovitsky


Hair and Wigs

Jana Hobson

Jenny McIntosh


Directed by

Sr. Mary Brigid Burnham, O.P.


 Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.

Englewood, Colorado