The Wolves - January 05 - January 06, 2019

St. Lukes School



I love this play!  I have been itching to direct it as soon as I read it and knew once I had a special group of girls I would want to bring it to The Hilltop.  We are one of only three high schools in the country that have been given licensing rights and/or have attempted to produce it.


Indeed, this show contains very frank language and situations one might not be accustomed to seeing in a high school.  But Sarah DeLappe's brutal honesty, her "true to life" exploration of a frank high school experience, and her deep love of these characters make this unfiltered drama a powerful piece of art to see and experience.  


One of the things that drew me to this piece was that it examines what it means to be an individual (with your own opinions, foibles, idiosyncrasies) within a group dynamic. These girls are their own people but yet come together as a team to do battle. In life, those two things, being an individual within a collective, are often in conflict and it obvoiusly makes for an exciting bit of theatre.


When asked about her inspiration in writing the play Sarah DeLappe said, “I wanted to see a portrait of teenage girls as human beings - as complicated, nuanced, very idiosyncratic people who weren’t just girlfriends or sex objects or manic pixie dream girls but who were athletes and daughters and students and scholars and people who were trying actively to figure out who they were in this changing world around them.”


We hope you enjoy what we have come up with. These girls, knowing what a special text this is,have worked exceedingly hard to bring you today’s production. Through the miracle of Google Hangouts, I don’t think I’ve come upon a cast that has worked this hard and has bond this tightly.


Good art should provoke thought and inspire change. As you watch today, I hope we are successful in this endeavor.


Jason Peck


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