Harvey - November 15 - November 18, 2018

St. Thomas Aquinas High School

 Directors Notes 


Robin Williams was one of my favorite actors and performers. His energy was incredible and the charachters he created, both the comedic and the touching, left an incredible impression on me as an actor and performer. He once said, "You're only given one little spark of madness.You mustn't lose it." Writing for the LA Times, David Horsey stated, "I very much doubt the 'madness' of which he spoke had anything to do with mental illness. Rather, it is the spark of impulse, insight, enthusiasm and inspirationthat is essental to creativity. It is defined negatively as madness only by the forces of conventionality and conformity, by the powers-that-be who are threatened and undermined by original thinkers, rebels, contrarians and comedians." (8/12/14)


Mary Chase's Harvey features a charachter defined as "mad"by those around him becuase he claims his best friendhappens to be a six foot and one half inch rabbit named Harvey, who others claim they cannot see. Elwood P. Dowd behaves outside the realm of reality according to Veta-Louise, his sister, and Myrtle Mae, his niece, who feel threatened by what Elwood mightsay or do which could then interfere with Myrtle mae being set up in good society. Is Elwood one of the "original thinkers, rebels, contrarians and comedians" or is everyone else crazy? Are those who think outside of the boxof conformityout of their mindsor are they the ones who have it all figured out? I don't have it all figured out, but i prefer the madness Horsey believes Williams referred to in his statement. Decide for yourself, but i side with Dowd and Williams. 


Special thanks go to the admisnistration of St. Thomas Aquinas: Father Vincent T. Kelly, Dr. Denise Aloma, Dr. Robert Mulder, Dr. Suzy Prieto and Mrs. Margie Scott. I also would like to thank: Mr. JOe Basi for his scheduling magic and assistance with the set; Mr. Xander Snell and Mr. Jarrod Bailey for their work in creating the set; CoachSteve Strand for his continued support; the after school Theatre Tech students for their work on lighting and sound; Mrs. Kathy Myrick; Ms. Linda Mierley and Mrs. Maureen Davis; Mrs. Christine Alston and her team of Drama Mamas who fed us; my friends my fellow teachers for their incredible support; and those who trusted me throughout the entire process. Finally thank you to my wife, Elena Maria Garcia for being my rock throughout this and every show I direct and our two beautiful daughters, Ana and Emma, who have to deal with me every day of their lives. And always, a nod and a wink to the Big Cat at the top of the stairs! 

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