Les Misérables School Edition - March 20 - March 24, 2019

Steele Canyon High

 End Notes 

“Theatre contains a multitude of worlds, each requiring a unique set of creative and esoteric skills. These separate spheres of expertise combine and fuse, as a string of notes become a melody, and melodies intertwine to create a symphony. In this way, theater creates a synergy – a result greater than the sum of its parts – a harmonious, living production,” (Shenan Arts, 2018).


No words can begin to express the deep gratitude I feel to the many individuals who have come together, once again, to make this work possible.  It is an honor and privilege to collaborate with a team of such talented and dedicated professionals who share a passion for the Performing Arts.  Our common goal is that for a few hours you will escape reality, and transcend to an alternate world where life is enchanting, obstacles seem impossible, and life is both heartbreaking and heroic.


After a successful run of our first two musicals together (Fiddler on the Roof and The Sound of Music), Mrs. Luck and I were faced last Spring with the daunting task of determining this year’s musical selection.  Inspired by incomparably talented, passionate, and eager young performers, musicians, and technicians, we decided “The time is now, the day is here” - Les Misérables, was it!  We embraced the fact that our decision to move forward with such an epic show was an awesome responsibility - both in the way it would allow us to challenge ourselves and our students, as well as in our sense of obligation to do justice to this unrivaled work. The production team, cast, crew, and musicians have met the challenges and intensity of this beloved musical with incredible ambition.


Les Misérables, the musical, is without doubt, the most beloved creation of all time.  It reaches into the depths of our souls and stirs our innermost, tightly-held emotions in a way that is both unsettling and reassuring at that same time.  From the golden thread of grace spun by the Bishop of Digne that works it’s redemption in Valjean and eventually weaves itself into the lives of everyone else, to all the tragic loss and unsettling misery, we are somehow left with an unmistakable glow of hope - reassuring our sense of promise for the future.  


As always, it is an honor to work with such talented student actors, technicians, and musicians. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and commitment to your craft. Mrs. Luck and I are so very proud of what we all have created together.  Much appreciation to the parents of all of our performers for encouraging and supporting your students to pursue their passions. I am so fortunate to have had the lifelong support of family to pursue mine.


May tonight’s performance ignite the grace, mercy, love, and sacrifice within each of us. Let us all remember that “even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.”

-Nicole LaBella, Director

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