9 to 5: The Musical - November 15 - November 17, 2018

The Agnes Irwin School



Ashley, we are so proud of you! Have a wonderful time!

Love, Daddy, Mommy, and Emily



Break a leg, Catherine!!

Love, Dad.



BUENA SUERTE CHICAS!!!  Wishing you a great performance!
Sra. Fernández
Good luck to the cast and crew of 9 to 5!!!  
Mrs. Colclaser
Brava to the cast and crew of 9 to 5! What a wonderful show!  <3,
Mrs. Westmeyer
To the class of 2022, I am so proud of you! I can't wait to watch you shine! - Mrs. Leonard
CF and PM, my firsts... knock 'em dead! - Mrs. Leonard
To my present students and future friends, Break a Leg! 
Break a leg, cast and crew of 9 to 5! I know you'll be magnificent!
Ms. Ramsey
Congratulations to Mrs. Stait, Mr. Solderitch, and Ms. Farrow on the production!   Ms. R
To Karen Stait - for your inspiration, talent, devotion, love, and commitment to the cast and crew!!! - Mr. Chips
Break a Leg, Lauren Weigle! We are so proud of you!
Much love from your fans Pop-pop, Grammy and Aunt Elizabeth
Wishing the cast and crew a wonderful run! 
We are AIS proud of you all!!!
Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Fiorini

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