She Kills Monsters: Young Adventurers Edition - July 01 - July 04, 2021

The Fleming Island Theater Incorporated

 Director's Note 

They say that the best things in life are often the ones that give you the most grief or strife. Now, whether that be a more personal struggle or just simply getting out of bed in the morning, this show has made it all worth it. She Kills Monsters is a beautiful, raw, and touching story of two sisters who found their way back to each other through a game that taught them to love themselves, their flaws, and others. We embark on this crazy journey meeting she-devils, gelatinous cubes, and five-headed dragons only to find that what Agnes and Tilly really needed was each other. And what's even more extraordinary is the unconditional love and understanding they present to one another when crap hits the fan. Every character in this show has their own journey that we all relate to in one way or another. Relish in those moments. Feel your feelings and ask those questions. We are all created equal. We are all human. Humans who fail and make mistakes but also humans that create memories, discover new things about ourselves, and change every day we are alive. 
I implore you to keep asking questions, take uncertainty by the hand when you're ready, and educate others about our everchanging world. Life is too short to be close-minded and stuck in your ways. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't, so why not do what makes you the happiest. Life is too short to be anything but yourself.   
Thank You and Best wishes!


Rachel H. Ihasz


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