Adventures in the Great Beyond - November 01 - December 08, 2024

The Great Beyond LLC


This production would like to acknowledge the incredibly hard work by the team of artists and fabricators who brought this show to life including; David Peters, James Roberts, Catch Henson, David Venable, Brian Patierno, Brenton Berna, Orlando de la Paz, Joshua Birdsell, Rylan Boyle, Tommy Dunn, and Brooke Renison.






Ender Chiodo

Francine Shine

Vince Schelly

Auston & Oliver Pilat

Lane Young

The Staff of The Hudson Theatre

Charlie James

Tyler Newman

Katherine Vucelic

Gold Metropolitan Media

Quinton Carroll

Antonia Nedder

Katharine Nedder

Andrea Ponce

Zeke Rettman

Tori Ortega

Gorilla LED Trucks

Melrose Umbrella Company

The Hudson Historic Studio





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