The Dining Room - October 26 - October 27, 2018

The King's Academy (Sunnyvale, CA)


“No one comes near a dining room anymore. The thought of sitting down with a number of intelligent, attractive people to enjoy good food well cooked and properly served…that apparently doesn’t occur to people anymore. Nowadays people eat in kitchens, or in living rooms, standing around, balancing their plates like jugglers. Soon they’ll be eating in bathrooms. Well why not? Simplify the process considerably.” – Harvey in A. R. Gurney’s The Dining Room


The dining room has been disrupted. Time has become scarce; connection is at a premium. The traditions of the table are hanging by a thread. This story seeks to put the room back together.


Most of us are not deficient in food, but in connection. Kitchen counters, desks, and cars have become the new space for mealtime, as if food is merely a diversion from the important things we busy ourselves with. But the table establishes a sacred space. It holds much more than the weight of tableware and cutlery. It bears the complicated joys and sorrows of life. It embraces the messiness of growing up, shoulders the difficulty of caring for loved ones, honors the commitment of lifting up our day as we share our lives with family and friends.


As the dining room’s relevance fades into the landscape of technology and convenience, there are still people fighting for their dining room to be more than simply a dust collector. Like church, maybe the dining room is a place for connection on more than just Christmas and Easter. This tradition of the table might feel burdened with expectations and pressure. But, Jesus invites all to the table. It’s messy. Jesus’ table doesn’t hold the perfect clique of like-minded friends. It’s a mixed bunch of imperfect people giving to each other and being blessed. The table holds a mirror to life. This dining room is the place where people gather to experience the truth about themselves, their whole and present selves. More than meals are shared. Stories are told, tears are shed, sins are confessed, and hearts are restored through conversation. This is the kind of table Jesus shared throughout his ministry. Everyone is invited to His table. And one day His followers will share in the greatest feast of them all.


The practice of table fellowship – inviting people to the table and intentionally and slowly breaking bread together – feeds us physically and spiritually. Today, we hope to feed both your stomach and your soul. After the show, please join us for The Dining Room Dessert Party. We will have an intimate talk-back with the cast and enjoy desserts on stage in the dining room. For now, sit back and enjoy A. R. Gurney’s view of the dining room.


Lauren Leong











Running Time: Approximately 80 minutes with no intermission.



The Dining Room Dessert Party

Join us after the show for an intimate talk-back with the cast and a dessert party on stage! 

Ticket Price: $5.00 minimum donation

This event serves as a fundraiser for our 2018-2019 High School Theatre Season.

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