Once on This Island - December 06 - December 08, 2018

The SEED School of Washington, DC



"Donovan, I'm always proud of you son in anything you do! Be sure to focus and enjoy yourself at the same time! Love you!" ~ MOM


"Ok, Baby show them just how talented you really are. Do your thing Donovan. I'm very proud of you!" ~ MOM


"Hey Lil Brother, let's get it! Be great!" ~ TIONNA BRAXTON


"Donovan, I'm happy to know that you're involved in something both fun and educational. I wish you continued success.! ~ Your Big Brother Darius




"May your talent show the audience I have the opportunity to witness everyday in class: a beautiful flower blossoming everyday! ~ MS. GOSHAY




"Continue to remain a jewel whose uniqueness frightens others abiity to shine. You are exquisitely great in all you choose to do." ~ MS. GOSHAY


"I'm so proud of you. Be blessed!" ~ MS. COOK


"Best of luck!" ~ MRS. NUTRIDGE


"Break a leg!" ~ MS. GADDIS




"Delicious" as I address you, the audience is in for a delight that resonates through smile and personality. "Dont stop... get it, get it!!" ~ MS. GOSHAY


"You go girl!" ~ MS. LAKE



"I love you! You are the best!" ~ MRS. WILLIAMS-COOK


"I'm proud of you. Keep reaching for the stars!" ~ MS. FAISON


"Good luck on the play. I am very proud of you. Continue to keep up the great work and let your light shine. You rock SEED Falcons!" ~ MS. L. BROWN


"Good luck Daraiyah!! I can't wait to see you in the play!" ~ MS. HOLLOWAY


"You're ability to maintain your composure in all situations displays your range as a person and a character. May your future self continue to explore depths to the young lady you have become." ~ MS. GOSHAY


"I'm so proud of you and who you are becoming! Keep up the great work!



"Good luck, mommy baby girl!" ~ MOMMY T


"Daraiyah is a smart young woman that has came a long way and made a wonderful change that will take her very far in life if she stays on path." ~ LOVE, WADE

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