A Midsummer Night's Dream - November 05 - November 08, 2015

The Solebury School

 End Notes 

Welcome to A MidSummer Night's Dream!

The story of this production began a few years ago, when I took a Solebury theater trip to London. We attended a prodution at the Globe Theater, and I was expecting a touristy version of a play that I had seen a million times. Oh, so jaded was I. Well, what happened next blew me away. We were lucky enough to see a production, unlike any I had ever seen before. It was simply the best and most entertaining version of this play that I had ever seen. A very physical and ambitious retelling.

Then my mind started racing. Could we bring this level of understanding and fun to Solebury?  Could we make Shakespeare rock for everyone!?  As I pondered this question, I began to think about the students we had and the new ones that were joining us. I knew then and there that we absolutely could. 

My biggest hope was that the cast would truly embrace the spirit of this play. Well, what has happened has exceeded my expectations. These kids are spectacular. From every actor to each tech person, they have thrown themselves into this production with the biggest hearts and the most spirit I have ever seen. Embrace the play? Oh, they have embodied it!! They are the Dreamiest Dreamers I could have ever hoped for. I know you are going to love this show. We worked so hard and had more fun then I could have ever imagined.

 I would also like to take a moment to welcome our new Tech Director, Peter Martino. This set is gorgeous! Peter took my idea of creating a homage to the Globe and turned it into a Fairyland of Shakespearean Delight! If this is your first set here, my friend, I can't imagine what we have in store in the future. Thank you for joining us here at Solebury.

Speaking of Dreams...here are some of the cast's dreams....

George has a dream where he has to escape from an elf that has kidnapped him.

Bianca dreams of traveling to the most isolated places on earth.

Kaileigh dreams of creating stories everyday as a famous author. (Under a pen name so no on knows who she is!)

Jonathan dreams of performing with all the greats on Broadway!

Erik had a reoccuring dream as a child, that he was on a ski lift with the Fantastic Four!

Lorenz dreams of being a Jedi who has the power to summon an army of spoons.

Leo dreams of being a professor of religious anthropology and to have at least one published novel.

Ashley dreams of producing a Tony-Award winning Broadyway show.

Teddy dreams of a secret passage made of candy from here to Switzerland, so she could see her sister as much as she wants.

Max dreams of being a professional actor.

Teva's wildest dream is for nobody to ever need to hope that what they just saw was a dream.

Amy dreams of being a published writer.

Cookie dreams of living her life in the fantasy world of Pathfinder.

Ben dreams of traveling the world, and experiencing many different cultures.

Louisa once dreamed that she was a robot!


One of my dreams has come true this Fall. I have always wanted to direct this show with a group of people who feel the same way about it that I do.

Thank you cast, crew, parents and friends!!


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