Peter and the Starcatcher - November 03 - November 06, 2016

The Solebury School

 Director's Note 

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to attend a Broadway Teachers Workshop that included seeing a production of a new show, Peter and the Starcatcher. I was, simply put, blown away. It had such energy and spirit that I vowed right then and there to produce the show myself the second the rights became available. Then, adding to my amazement, I got to take a class with the show’s director, Roger Reese. Mr. Reese was the acclaimed actor who portrayed Nicholas Nickleby on Broadway, and for those who watched the television show Cheers , he was Diane’s handsome British boyfriend. I was a huge fan, so needless to say I was thrilled to have this opportunity. He began speaking and I began writing. It was one of the most inspirational classes of my life. It was fantastic. We have tried to capture and keep the magical spirit of that production alive in our humble version of the show. There are so many people who help us put this production together, so let me get to the thanking! Thank you to my partner in crime, Peter Martino, for another spectacular set.(You complete me.) Thank you to Robin Damuth for the beautiful costume design. The Mermaids are especially fantabulous! Thank you to Joe Nappi for adding music to the Starcatcher World. Thanks to Josh Poole for all the fun noises! Thanks to Nicole Mount for the headshots. Thanks to Kevin Cook for photographing the show. Thanks to Sam Benson for always stepping in and giving 100 percent. Thanks to the amazing Brian Haire for all the glamour. Just all the glamour. A big shout out to Rebecca W. for the adorable Mermaid Dance! Thank you to Dave DiMarchi for the gorgeous poster design.

Thanks to Ashton and Caitlin for the makeup help. Thanks to Erika Fairchild and the entire Arts Department for their support. Thank you to our Administration for their unending support of the Arts. Thank you to Maintenance for always having our back.

I don’t think I can ever thank the parents of our Cast and Crew enough!

Thanks to Deb Daughterman for leading the charge and all the parents for keeping us fed and trusting us with your talented children. Finally, thank you to my amazing and patient husband Eric and the rest of my family and friends. Yes, Alex that means you. Thanks Alex, THANKS. (Happy now?) If I answered the question that the rest of the cast answered…”What would you like to be if you soaked in StarStuff?", I would say that I think I must have already soaked in the stuff. This job is pretty awesome. Thank you for coming and enjoy the show!




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