Rent - February 25 - February 28, 2016

The Solebury School

 End Notes 

From the Director:


This has been one of the most interesting and challenging shows that I have ever worked on. It is so iconic! Just start singing "Seasons of Love" in any crowded room, and I can almost guarentee that a whole gang of people will start singing along. The subject matter is extremely tough as well. This is some heavy stuff. This cast has been so dedicated and mature. I knew we were in for something special when almost the entire cast was crying during some of our earliest rehearsals! The emotional connections that this cast has devleoped are more rich than in some of my professional productions. I am completely overwhelmed and grateful to this bunch of talented actors. I was willing to be cautious with this production, making sure the relationships that the students had to portray were approached with respect. I wanted to make sure that every actor was comfortable and not being pushed past their own comfort level. The cast worked together and developed such a strong bond that they were able to fully embrace every aspect of their characters and felt strongly that we needed to represent them as written. I am in awe of their maturity and trust in each other. This production will forever be one of my absolute favorites.


To My Seniors:


Snow- I'm so glad that you found us! You are an amazing, bright, beautiful soul. Thank you for bringing your talent and smile to Solebury. I only wish you could have been here longer! Good luck next year.


Ashley- I don't think anyone realizes how very far you have come, my wonderful Ashley. From that first audition, where the script pages in your hand were trembling, to this confident young lady who can rattle off a Shakespeare monologue in public! At Dilly's, no less! Thank you for your dedication to SoleStage theater. Thank you for being a fantastic student, advisee, boarder and actor. Most of all thank you for being such a big part of my life. 


Teddy- Oh the places we have been, Teddy! Up down and all around. You are a force. A star. You have a presence and a talent that is unmistakeable and wonderful. I knew from the moment we met, at your interview, that this was the right place for you. You have brought some of my favorite characters to life on this stage and I will be forever grateful to you. I have no doubt that you will succeed in whatever path you choose, but I know the stage will always call you. Never doubt yourself. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with Solebury and with me.


Jonathan- I honestly can't believe we are here. I have not known one moment at Solebury School without you! You are one of the most talented, brave, and amazing people I have ever met. Your willingness to try anything and your trust in me is overwhelming. I am so glad that you get to portray Angel in your last musical here. This character is the heart of Rent and you are the heart of the Solestage Players. You are my heart. Thank you for everything, Jonathan. 


Max- You are one of the kindest, strongest people I know. I was so excited when you auditioned to be in the show.  I am so grateful for everything you do! You are such a good friend and you make eveyone in the cast feel heard and important. I honestly don't know how I am gong to get along without you! Thank you for sharing your warm, beautiful soul with this show.


Addy- I know you are only with us for this year, but on some level I feel like you are and always have been a part of Solebury's spirit. The amount you care about this show and this cast just pours out of you like a light. Thank you so much for being a part of this production. I wish I could have had four years with you, but I am certainly glad to have you here now!



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