The Taming of the Shrew - May 11 - May 13, 2017

The Solebury School

 End Notes 

Notes from the Director:


Good Evening one and all!

Welcome to our production of Taming of the Shrew. Spring productions here at Solebury, have traditionally been a one act play festival, or something low key and less pressure-filled than our other two productions. Not this year! We have such a dedicated and enthusiastic cast and crew, that we decided to end this year with a BANG. This group of actors and technicians, is so talented and driven that we have embarked on an ambitious production of one of Shakespeare's most beloved plays. As many of you may know, I was "reintroduced" to teaching and performing Shakespeare about six years ago, and I am thrilled with the opportunity to present these works in the fun, rowdy, slightly bawdy way, they were intended to be seen.

I would like to thank Sir Perter Martino for this lovely, Globe Theater inspired set! It is gorgeous. You and your class, as well as our crew, have done a spectacular job.

A thousand thanks to Lady Robin Damuth for bedecking the cast in this gorgeous array! The costumes are amazing. 

Sir Brian of Haire. You continue to make us feel like royalty! Thank you for coiffing our curls with such aplomb. 

Sir David, from the House of DiMarchi, your artwork on our posters and our playbills has elevated this theater program. Thank you.

To the Lady Abby of Gail, from the House of Mott; Thank you for your unending help. You have played so many roles, (quite literally), this year!  Thank you.

To my three arch companions, Sir Jordan, Sir Matthew and Sir Angleo of Colclanis: Bravo and thank you. Your participation in this production is greatly appreciated and beloved. 

Thank you to all the SoleStage Parents. This has been a big year, and you have supported us, fed us, loved us, and cheered for us all along the way. 

I never feel that I can thank the administration here at Solebury enough. The support that you offer Theater and all of the Arts is breathtaking. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Some have questioned the choice of this play, due to its less than feminist message. All I have to say to that is stay until the very end. Our Kate knows when to strike. Did you know that the snapdragon is a symbol of courage and defiance? Interesting...

Foresooth, I have but gone on long enough! Pleaseth you, that in conclusion I thank my amazing husband Eric for all of his support. Enjoy the show!


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