Crew Members
Director- "Variations on the Death of Trotsky"
Lucas Maciel +*
Director- "Sure Thing"
Zachary Menth +*
Director- "The Philadelphia"
Faith Moreno +*
Director- "Phillip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread"
Darlene Penn +*
Director- "Words, Words, Words"
Adam Russo *
Director- "The Universal Language"
Bailey Terrett +*
Assistant Director
Amber McDaniel +*
Assistant Director
Aster Nguyen +*
Stage Manager
Riley Poll *
Technical Assistant
Leah Hugo *
Costume Coordinator
Lillyanne Smith *
Makeup & Hair Designer
Alexa De los Santos *
Hair & Makeup Assistant
Danielle Brooks *
+ indicates student in the Theatre Academy
* indicates memebrship in the International Thespian Society Troup #7455