Triangle - May 19 - May 21, 2022

Torrance High School Theater Dept.

 End Notes 

Notes from the Director 


The Triangle Waistshirt Factory Fire of 1911 is one of those little known footnotes in American history, yet it had a huge impact on how we treat workers, and women workers. In less than an half an hour, 146 people died in the fire that could have been avoided altogether if it wern't for the neglect of the people in power. Although there were many fires before, it was this incident that sparked reform. But TRIANGLE also focuses on the themes of the immigrant experience, identlty, sense of family, and loss. These are provacative themes that we are still wrestling with today as a nation. What did it mean to be an American then, and what does it mean today? How do we see ourselves as an intrigal piece of the puzzle in this nation, in our community, and our own families? I hope we continue to wrestle with these question and to have honest and open dialogue with open minds and hearts. 


Putting on this production has definitely been a team effort. With only a month of rehearsals, and with the annoying Covid rearing its ugly head once again, these students have risen to the challenge and I am very proud of their work. They have shown a relentless work ethic and humbleness that has been inpirational. I know you will be proud of them as well.


- D.B Hovis



Amidst the current climate, what does it mean to be an American? This play challenges and reflects on how history repeats itself in larger than life ways. Questions impertinent to social justice and equity still remain today, and Laurie Brooks aims to confront the ripples in society that are a result of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Specifically, how issues of the past, present, and future are all intercon nected.


This beautiful and thought-provoking piece came to life with the large effort of this cast and crew. In a month, they worked extremely hard to deliver this story. I am so proud of the wonderful ideas and performances that came out of this process. Through unimagined obstacles and in an unprecedented amount of time I cannot believe all they have accomplished. 


- Kalani Lopez



















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