Little Shop of Horrors - May 28 - May 31, 2021

Union Endicott High School




Well, here I am once again…at a computer in the wee hours of the morning the night before the musical. Normally its because I am so last minute with the program, but this year its video editing!


What a strange year it has been.  Still, I am so excited for you all to see this show. We only spent about 4 weeks on it. It was going to be simple, but we just don’t do simple!


I am very grateful to several people, first and foremost the students.  What a wild, wacky ride! My staff, where would I be without you? From bringing me food, calling on me to make sure I am ok, and simply just getting it done! I always hate naming people, because I always miss someone very important, but here goes nothing.


Matthew – Thanks for sticking with me all of these years, we are quite the team!

Kevin – I know you hate compliments, but tough! I never want to do this without you!

Rita – You have a talent for making everyone look great on stage!

Sue – Thank you for taking the new gig, and always being there when I need you.

Donna - Remember when I said there would be just just a few props? Thanks for knowing what I want before I do!

Tim – We don’t get to see each other much, but I always look forward to show season.

Kat – When it comes to the set, you are the X-Factor!

Jarod – You’ve come such a long way over the years!

Owen – You still have a long way to go! Come on, did you think I was going to make them all sappy! OWEN!!!

Amy – Always there for me, and always ready to be my “special projects advisor”. Can’t thank you enough.

Joe H. - You hate taking credit for anything, but your special touches on this show will be forever remembered.

Shimes - Thank you for being the voice of God!


A special shout out also goes to Jenn Kazmark for securing the new CAMERAS!!! This thing looks so gorgeous because of them. Toby Riddleberger, Buildings and Grounds, the High School admin team, the District Office admin team (especially Nicole Wolfe) and the Board of Education... thank you for allowing me to continue to do this. 


Vocal Boosters, I appreciated all you do.  Beth and Michelle, thank you for your years of service.  


I can't forget...  


Joe Roma and the Firehouse Stage

Tiawahga Community Players

Holland Print House

Jen Redmore and Progressive Dental 

Roger Weston and Kevin Mundt 

Andrew Allport 

Tracy Lundeen, Clint Smart and Bob Winans

Joe Sacco at ACME Cash Register 




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