Fame - July 01 - July 03, 2022

University of Nebraska at Omaha

 From the Academy 


Dear Friends,


In a community like Omaha, good ideas and action often flow in sync with generous intentions. UNO recognizes and celebrates the values of the community it serves.


We thank our donors and partners for making the first Summer Musical Theatre Academy possible!


Our mission in starting the SMTA was first to join the many musical theatre training efforts in our schools and theatre organizations. We celebrate the growth of musical theatre opportunities and exciting results of recent years. We applaud all of the teachers, directors, and program administrators.


The UNO Summer Musical Theatre Academy was  established to offer college-level resources in the field of musical theatre performance and technical theatre. Talent blossoms when the drive towards self realization finds opportunity. It is our goal to provide quality opportunities.


We all see the role that technology plays in every aspect of the world. Theatre has always been a place where new technology shines. Our technical theatre faculty and facilities have made a big contribution to this program for both performers and technicians!!


Speaking of the world that lies ahead, what could be more important than our capacity to connect with each other. Theatre training expands that capacity!!


With the generous financial support of our partners and the kindness of our highly skilled professional team, we have been able to make this academy a welcoming and tuition free opportunity!!


With a few more miles under our belts and a passionate commitment to growing our program, we hope to make the 2023 UNO Summer Musical Theatre Academy even better.


Help us get started for 2023 with the UNO Musical Theatre Support Fund.

Donation cards are available in the lobby. Please ask our staff.


Please consider joining us as we look toward a bright future with equity and inclusion for these beautiful young Americans!


Hal France

Academy Director and UNO Instructor of Musical Theatre

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