Fiddler on the Roof - January 10 - January 19, 2020

Valley Center High School


The musical productions at Valley Center High School are the result of an amazing combined effort and generosity of dozens of teachers, artists, parents, students and family members, many unseen and underacknowledged.  As the director/producer, I would like to personally give a special thank you to the following people/organizations


-Michael and Victoria Wodarczyk

-Grant and Elizabeth Barkdull

-Robert and Paula Gerchufsky

-Kyle Dannies

-Carey Soghomonian

-Kathy Yarush

-Lisa Marcus

-Jennifer Rhoades

-Crystal Hasinsky

-Justin Salter

-David Ross

-The Valley Roadrunner

-Hello Valley Center!

-Union Tribune

-All parent volunteers

-VCHS and VCPUSD administration


-VCHS leadership and ASB

-Satya Fleck

-Justin Sal

-Valley Center Happenings 

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