Puffs or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic - January 23 - January 25, 2020

Virginia Wesleyan University

 About the Production 


The story of the Puffs is a story for all of us. So much of literature, film, and popular culture asks the audience to use their imagination and "become" the central character - the hero. It requries that the reader imagine themselves as someone else. The escapism of heroic adventures is central to the human experience. ...But when we close the book, turn off the tv, it's back to our reality...our story. Each of us is an underdog, a hero waiting to be found - we all share the story of the Puffs. So be a Puff - turn off your phone, join you friends, laugh, pity, and cheer for the underdogs. While Puffs parodies a certain famous cultural/theme park universe, it's central message is for everyone. Everyday we must persist, persevere, and promise to be good to all those around us. Puffs reminds us that side characters matter in our lives. So whether you are a Brave, Smart, Snake, or a Puff, don't be a side character in someone else's story - be the hero of your story.







Upcoming Events


Feb. 8th - 7:30 pm - The Warrior Chorus Project - Readings from
Ancient Greek Literature by Veteran's for Veterans 
Feb. 16th - Virginia Chorale Concert
Feb. 21 - Tidewater Classical Guitar Society Concert
Reservations Req/Free 
Feb. 24 - Evening of Bach Concert
Mar. 5-8 - The Shield a VWU Theatre Production
Presented as part of the Norfolk Theatre Festival
Mar. 31 - American Shakespeare Theatre on Tour presents 
                             A Midsummer Night's Dream
Apr. 6 - Air Force Rhythm and Blue Concert
Apr. 16 - The Queens 6 - Acapella Concert 
Times and Information can be found at 

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