Hairspray - April 22 - April 24, 2016

West Carrollton High School

 A note from the Director: 

Directing Hairspray has been a crazy, exhausting, exhilarating, stressful, and deeply fufilling experience!  Watching the costumes, lights, hair, make up, set pieces, orchestra, cast, and crew come together has been truly an amazing opportunity to work with such a dedicated and hard-working group of students, parents, and volunteers.  This is the biggest show that we've put on our West Carrollton stage in many years and a production such is this simply would not be possible without countless hours of dedication and hard work from so many people who volunteer their time to get involved.  Michelle and I feel so fortunate to work with all of them on a daily basis. I also want to thank you for being a part of our audience and taking a few hours out of your weekend to come and support our program.  Your presence in the audience is why we been working this hard for the last few months. 


Hairspray has given us a unique opportunity to see that even 50 years after the civil rights movement many of the issues that are dealt with in the show are still relevant in our school and our community today.  I hope you are able to not only enjoy the show, but remember, this show has helped our students realize their words and actions matter.  Every person can make a difference in the world when we just do what's right.


We have a little game we play each year as it's time to announce the following years musical.  I love to give a clue to start the students and many of our fans guessing as to what we might be trying to undertake on our stage in the future.  The first clue we gave the student several weeks ago was that for next year's musical they will all need to purchase a special pair of shoes. The second clue is that next year's musical will roll into town sooner than you think!  Here is your final clue: In this show you will see food but you won't be able to eat it. Enjoy pondering. Please save the date for our 27th production in the Guiler Auditorium on April 21-23, 2017.  If you think you know what it's going to be, let us know on our Facebook page, West Carrollton High School Musical!


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