All Shook Up - March 09 - March 12, 2022

West Catholic High School

 Director's Note 

I have been planning this show for - no joke - over a year. The first time it popped up on my radar in 2020, I knew I wanted to do it. The music was catchy, the script was hilarious, and maybe most importantly for a high school theatre program, I knew I could get enough boys to cover the male roles. (I ended up having 10 when I needed 5... WHAT?) I took a perusal script with me on Spring Break in 2021 and began plotting set and blocking, months before I even knew any students would be audtioning, let alone who would be cast in which role. I completely ruined my Spotify Wrapped last December because I listened to the sountrack so often and used it in rehearsals every day so that 4 of my top 5 artists were from the Original Broadway Cast of All Shook Up. I agonized over blocking and line delivery for HOURS, looking for other productions and comparing them with my own ideas in an attempt to acheive the most comedic or emotional value from every line. I built it up so much in my head to be EXACTLY how I wanted, that I set the standard incredibly high for 27 teenagers, most of whose experience with theatre is limited to their interactions with me. 


That being said, not only did they step up to the plate, they knocked it out of the park. There is something so special about seeing something that you have dreamed up in your head truly come to life in front of your eyes. Every single member of this cast has worked their butts off to get this show on its feet. This show is an absolute beast of an undertaking, with nearly 30 songs throughout the show. For context, Hello Dolly had 14 songs, and for Quarantine Cabaret we only did 10. They are exhausted by the end of each run, but the looks on their faces tells me that it is worth it. 


The past three months have been full of nothing but rehearsals, planning for rehearsals, and rewriting rehearsal schedules around the schedules of 4 adults with full time jobs and 27 students with an insane number of other extracurriculars, but somehow after more than 150 hours of rehearsal, we have managed to pull together a truly incredible show. If you have or know a student participating, please take a moment with them to acknowledge just how much work they have committed to this production. 


I would like to point out that absoultely none of this would be possible with the rest of the incredible production team. Darren, Kelsey, Conor, and Noah are so talented and it is a blessing to West that they are willing to share those talents with the students. I will forever be grateful for their part in malking my vision a reality. 


Please don't forget to purchase raffle tickets or flowers in the lobby. If you would like to donate and support in another way, please find me after the show for more information. 


In gratitude, 


Justina Ouellette

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