MAMMA MIA! - February 23 - February 26, 2023

West Mifflin Area HS


West Mifflin Area School District

Board of Directors


Mr. Matthew J. Blazevich - President

Mrs. Debbie Kostelnik - Vice-President

Mrs. Judith Ahern

Mr. Anthony DiCenzo

Mr. Mark R. Donahoe

Mrs. Gina Englert

Mr. Jonathan Mattis

Mr. Kevin M. Squires

Mr. Mark J. Yuhas







Mr. Jeffrey Soles………....…….Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Jeffrey Solomon……....…….Assistant Superintendent

Mr. Joseph Esper.....Board Secretary/Business Manager

Mr. Mark Zidek.….....…..Director of Buildings & Grounds

Ms. Leah Sylvis…….......….…….Director of Pupil Services

Mr. Chad Licht………............…………High School Principal

Mr. Robert Yeschenko….....….Asst. High School Principal

Mr. Bilal Cook…..…......……High School Dean of Students

Mr. Devon Smeal…….......………..Music Department Head



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