Cheaper By the Dozen - May 18 - May 20, 2018

Woodland Christian School

 End Notes 

Directing Cheaper by the Dozen has reinforced for me the value of investing time in theater and more importantly has reminded me of a valuable principle – time is precious.  At the end of the play, Anne, the eldest Gilbreth daughter asks her father, “What do you want to save time for?”  His reply, “For work, if you love that best. For education, for beauty, or art.  For mumblety-peg, if that’s where your heart lies.  It’s for where your heart lies – that’s what you save time for.”  Whatever our calling, whatever is near and dear to our hearts, to that we should devote our time. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. (Colossians 3:23).


Frank Gilbreth understood this, lived it out, and taught his children to do the same.  He also understood that his days were numbered and so did all he could to prepare his family for his final departure. Teach us to consider our mortality, so that we can live wisely. (Psalm 90:12)  Likewise, Jesus teaches us, Where your treasure lies, your heart lies also (Matthew 6:21).  He urges us to spend our time wisely building up treasures in heaven and further promises if we seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:19, 33).  It seems Gilbreth had it right; what earns our heart, earns our time.  My prayer is that your heart has been won by your Savior Jesus Christ. Serving Him is the wisest investment of our precious time.


Thank you Craig Vicente and Woodland Opera House for bending over backwards to work so patiently with me and thank you MelDraper Photography for your wonderful photos.  To the cast and crew, it has been my joy and privilege to work with you.  I think you are the best group of students in the world.  To Justin and's all you next year!  To Mr. C, you created a long- lasting legacy of incredibly capable students.  Thank you for making my job easier and for encouraging me to take this production on.  I hope we made you proud.  Finally, thank you to my hubby and family. You always stand with me through the crazy.  Thank you for being my people.  I love you guys!


Erin Richerson

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