Spring Awakening - July 31 - August 01, 2014

Youth Task Force

 Acknowledgments: An Island Love Story 

This show has been a labor of love – love for the show, and for our island’s young people.  The generosity of everyone connected with this production has been immediate and immense.


Thank you to Theresa Manning and the Youth Task Force, who enthusiastically supported this “thinking outside the box” effort.  Juliette Fay and Nell Coogan at Martha’s Vineyard Community Services have been staunch supporters.  Superintendent Jim Weiss arrived as knight in shining armor at a key moment.  Charlie Esposito provided ongoing wisdom and help in the Performing Arts Center at MVRHS.  Tony Lombardi, Joyce Wagner and Jill Robie at the YMCA generously provided us with rehearsal space.  Special thanks to Jil Matrisciano at Rise MV Performing Arts, who gave us unlimited access to her two wonderful dance studios, and to Sean Conley, who allowed us to use his beautiful dojo. 


Kathleen Forsythe of Forsythe Designs designed our gorgeous and extraordinary poster.  Deep appreciation goes to Richard Paradise of the MV Film Center for showing our trailer, and to Bob LaSala of the Edgartown Cinema, who succeeded in wooing corporate America to our mission.  A particular thank you to Chris Mara of Galen Films, Lily Lubin, videographer’s assistant, and profound gratitude to Elina Street, videographer, who worked so hard in the midst of many other commitments to film and bring our trailer to the big and little screens.


Thank you to MJ Bruder-Munafo for her generosity in allowing us to use the Vineyard Playhouse costume collection, and to Josh Sommers for the use of his tie!  Thanks to Jessie Johnson at Music Theatre International for his endless patience and helpful advice.


We could never have pulled this show off without the vast skills and knowledge of the unflappable Eric Johnson, our music director.  He has been instrumental (no pun intended) in every aspect of this production.  Our choreographer, Tessa Permar, contributed mightily to the show, handling challenging scenes, choreography and movement with directness and delicacy.


Additional thanks to Cynthia Bermudes, Joanne Cassidy and Julie Sierputoski.



Note from the Producer

 It has been a great adventure to do this show, and has woven together so many of  the things I care about in life – fruitful collaboration among and with the many island organizations who have enthusiastically helped; a wonderful family project; community advocacy; and involvement in music, dance and theatre.  The biggest thrill of all has been to witness and be part of  the commitment, creativity and passion of everyone who has participated in this show!


Note from the Director

 For me, the journey of bringing this play to the island began in 2006, when a friend sent me a copy of the soundtrack. I burst into tears upon hearing the first song, “Mama Who Bore Me.” The hauntingly beautiful music and the moving, profound lyrics stirred my emotions and brought to the surface a series of feelings that had been locked away deep inside, doing exactly what brilliant theatre is meant to do! To find out that an esteemed and dear theatre colleague of mine, Steven Sater, had written the show made it all somehow even more profound. I am forever grateful to have had this opportunity to collaborate with our community to share this play — its joys, its sorrows, and its truths. My hope is that it moves you and opens your hearts to the things that connect us and transport us to higher places of understanding. And yes, entertain you, too! Thank you for being a part of the journey.

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