Fahrenheit 451 - April 30

la Plata High School


Our productions would not have been possible without the support of so many people.  I truly appreciate your commitment to keeping theatre alive during these trying times.


Mr. Douglass Dolan and LPHS Administation

LPHS Staff and Building Service

Tim Bodamer and Andrew Blumhardt

Stephanie Gioia/Kate Sellers

CCPS Theatre Teachers

Charles County Arts Alliance

Kyle Graves/Shelley Mackey

Nathan Daetwayler

LPHS Theatre Students and their amazing parents/guardians!!!



I just want to give a special shout out to the director Cole Schubert.  Cole approached me last year and wanted to help as assistant director for Mamma Mia.  I agreed to the idea, and before we had to shut the production down due to COVID, I was able to watch Cole in action as he directed one of the scenes.  I could tell that he worked very well with actors allowing them opportunities to collaborate with blocking and character ideas.  At the beginning of this year, he was still very interested in directing and since we had so many shows we wanted to do, I offered him Fahrenheit 451.  He was eager to start working on it and even digested in what seemed like one night, a book on directing that I gave him to read.  He dived into the project conducting lots of research and completing some wonderful designs.  He worked virtually with students as they "table-worked" each scene of the play, carefully dissecting each line for meaning and motivation.  Fahrenheit was initially to be our fall show, which we thought we would film inside, on-stage and then stream. Once again we were thrown a curve ball with spikes in COVID cases and the shut down of in-person activities.  Then when things began opening up, the plan became to present the play outdoors during what would normally be our spring musical time-slot.  Of course, working outside has brought many other challenges and changes to costume, scenery, lighting and special effects design.  Throughout it all, Cole has championed through these obstacles bravely and held his team together.  I am very proud of him and his cast!  Break A Leg!




Cole Schubert

Tanner Bendebba

Mia Bowling

Alexus Woodland

Samantha Mayle

Lexi Gray

Charlotte Flade

Abi Rogalski




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