Pillowman - April 03 - May 02, 2015

11 Minutes Theatre







Written by: Martin McDonagh
Directed by: Janine Ann Kehlenbach


Setting: Late afternoon Monday, Janurary 4th, 1982
An undisclosed police facility in a totalitarian state


Act 1

Scene 1: An interrogation room

Scene 2: "The Writer and the Writer's Brother"


Act 2 

Scene 1: A Jail Cell




Act 3

Scene 1: "The Little Jesus"
Scene 2: An interrogation room


THE PILLOWMAN was first presented by the National Theatre at the

Cottesloe, London, directed by John Crowley, on November 13, 2003.

The production was subsequently produced on Broadway by the National

Theatre, Robert Boyett Theatricals LLC and RMJF Inc. in association with

Boyett Ostar, Robert Fox, Arielle Tepper, Stephanie P. McClelland, Debra Black,

Dede Harris / Morton Swinsky / Roy Furman / Jon Avnet

in association with Joyce Schweickert, opening at the Booth Theatre,

New York City, on April 10, 2005.


The Pillowman is presented through special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service.

440 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016

Phone: 212-683-8960 Fax: 212-213-1539