Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Memorial 2017 - August 06

Actors Refuge Repertory Theatre





Ikumi Kondo for coming all the way from Hiroshima to help me with this peace memorial event. 


Kaori Sakurazawa for translating the lines of the play "Tonbo (Dragonflies)" from English to Nagasaki dialect as well as voice-recording the lines.


Juri Ify Love for making an effort to find someone from Nagasaki to help with this event, and just being a great mom to two wonderful children.


Nick Wickstrom for letting me borrow his projector.


Neith Juch for having their talented daughters (The "Juch Twins") being part of this production, and helping me out.


Kaori Imamura for always volunteering for my events.


Ryan Evens for volunteering as an Usher, and always supporting my events.


Ai Yamashita for coming to a rescue as a last-minute volunteer.


All the other staff, volunteers for making this event happen. 


Donors who have contributed to my crowdfunding campaign so far. 


...and last but not least, YOU for coming to this event!




(I will be adding more people, as I can have more time after the event is over!)





Mariko Kanto


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