Dorothy in Wonderland - April 08 - April 09, 2016

Brookfield High School Drama Club


Notes from the Director - 


I've grown up loving theater. As I grew up we often went to see plays at the Youngstown Playhouse. I even tried out once - for Amelia Bedelia.. I thought I would be guaranteed to land a part since my last name was Rodgers. (I was wrong). We also went to see The Easy Street Production shows at the Uptown Theater. When I got to high school I attended all the plays, but never had the nerve to try out again. My senior year, I finally had a chance to be truly a part of a play (musical actually) production. Boardman performed Bye Bye Birdie, the first musical they had done in years, and they wanted a LIVE pit orchestra. So I signed up. It was among the craziest, best 8 weeks of high school. I couldn't wait to do more. When I got to college, I again went to watch my friends perform in plays. I went to see traveling Broadway shows. My senior year of college I was again able to be a part of an unbelievable group. We did a show called Option To... We (ok, other people - not me) wrote the script from scratch. It was amazing to watch a show go from an idea to a full production. I was one of the people in charge of publicity.

As I started my teaching career I was always a supporter of the theater department, but never had the opportunity to be fully involved. All of that for me to say that this is my very first show as director. The process of watching these students - of all levels of experience - make this script come to life has been amazing. I sit in awe at rehearsals, still laughing at the jokes I've heard a thousand times. I'm excited for what this renewed theater program can do in the future. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to come see the amazing talents that Brookfield has to offer. I am so proud of every one of these students. It has not been easy, we've had long, trying rehearsals, we've worked hard, we've built things, we've come together as a team to get everything done. I couldn't have asked for a better experience for my first. 


To the seniors (Kourtney, Brandon, Brian, Shelby, Jerrod) - I can't thank you enough for your leadership, expertise, and ability to keep me sane throughout this process. I have learned so much from all of you. You will be truly missed, and I hope you come back to visit. Kourtney -- I'll even let you use the thunder tube! Brandon - I think the caterpillar may forever be my favorite character. You played him perfectly! Shelby- Your dedication and willingness to do whatever is asked of you is amazing. Thank you. Jerrod - We would be lost without your light and sound expertise. I do hope you trained some replacements! Brian - Wherever you go, go with all your heart! 


To the Rest of the Cast and Crew - Thank you for all your hard work and flexibility. You are a talented group and I can't wait to see what's next! 


To the Set Construction Gang - Wow! I'm so impressed. Thank you for putting in SO many hours. Your dedication is what helped make this show such as awesome success.


To Jessica Gardner- I owe you BIG TIME. Thank you for all your help with auditions, rehearsals, and of course thank  you for your AWESOME tree!  I really could not have done this without your help. 


To Mrs. Taylor - Thank you for all the advice and encouragement and for putting up with my incessant questions. I appreciate all the guidance. 


To the Parents and Families of the Cast and Crew - Thank you for allowing your child to be a part of our production. Thank you for allowing them to come to practices that go until 9 at night. Thank you for supporting them. I hope you enjoyed our production. 

To Caramon Cwynar - Thank you for coming back and helping with the lights and sound. Your help is greatly appreciated. 


To my 7th Graders (especially my intervention class) - Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I hope you stay interested in theater and join us in a few years. 


To My Parents - Thank you isn't enough. Your support in everything I do means so much. You always go out of your way to help in any way that you can and I appreciate it all! Love you! 


-- Miss Rodgers

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