Note from writer/director David Toth
I would like to dedicate this play to Doug Rossi. Originally slated to play Chief Inspector Mandrake, Doug had to forfeit the role in order to recover from a serious illness. I met Doug ten years ago, when he played the quirky traveling salesman in my first short film, "4th of Summer" and we have worked together several times since. Trained as a Shakespearean actor, Doug would undoubtedly have given Mandrake the royal treatment. I wish you a speedy recovery and remember: the stage is always open!
I would also like to thank the following people for making this production possible.
Sandie Luna of ID Studio Theater, for letting us rehearse our play in that amazing studio space-one of the South Bronx's true gems.
Sandy Manessis, principal of Advanced Math & Science II, (and my boss) for being supportive of teachers' efforts to be creative outside of the classroom. And for allowing my students to attend the performance (and picking up the tab).
Greta Bowers, my former co-teacher and current co-director, and more importantly, my friend. I wouldn't face a classroom of 9th graders without you, nor an empty stage. Good humor, compassion and a focus on the important things are your gifts.
Patrick Neil Doyle, composer/genius, who wrote the score from across the pond. London is too far to come from to attend the show, but there will be others!
Our wonderful cast, who persevered through late rehearsals, and who not only tolerated, but embraced line and other changes, which kept making the play better (often in real time).
Rob Hunt, for not letting accents stand in the way of a great performance.
Marie Mantz, for (literally) letting her hair down to portray quiet defiance.
Doron Israeli, for finding the child inside the man.
Michael Anne Hoffert-Cone, for giving a consistent effort that seems effortless.
Nick Kaye, who transcended his native niceness to play an unpleasent snob.
Clinton Powell, who understands that comedy is no laughing matter.
Bill Loerch, for moving with the grace and speed of a fluttering bird.
Karen Richards, for acting as the moral center in an amoral world.
Renee Hickerson, for going blonde and full-on Swede.
Daniel Holme, for arriving at Lon-g Island through the British Isles.
Alec Gallardo, for being the most optimistic gangster to grace a stage.
Marco Malgioglio, for giving Petey an empathetic quality he himself has in spades.
Cerys Zoe, for training Renee and Bill in how to sound like a Swede.
And of course, to the NY Winterfest, for giving us the opportunity to put on
Dial A for Agatha!
I would also like to thank everyone who came out to see (and support) the show.
The Arts need you now more than ever!