The Little Mermaid -

Golden Valley High School


The power of community is marvelous magic. Golden Valley High School is a sparkling example of this magic. The Cast, Crew, Drama Department, Art Department, Music Department, Woodshop and CADD Department have worked passionately in collaboration to take our students under the sea and bring the story of The Little Mermaid to life for you. I am honored be a part of the GVHS community and to direct such talented students. Many of the students you watch on stage are triple and quadruple threats! Artists who act, sing, dance, play instruments, take Advance Placement classes, are involved in FFA, Young Life, Track and Field, Football, Cheer, SBO Leadership, Speech and Debate, Forensics, Band, Colorguard, Studio K, and so much more.


My appreciation for the expertise and talent offered from Matthew Thomas, Patrick Rodden, Michael Vasquez, Alicia Nush, Tom Post, Gloria Benomar and Katherine Harris knows no bounds.


The day-glow sparkle featured on all the cast comes from the generous donation of Jennifer Euker and the amazing workshops from Zane-it.


Thank you to Studio K, Aloha Floral, Gottschalk's Music, Star Priddy, Kassidy Cullen and Noelle Chandler for contributing costumes, donations and discounts that have added so much to the deep sea magic.



Thank you to Mr. Angel Rodriguez, GVHS English teacher, who was willing to step into the role of King Triton for one performance so that Daniel Lopez could participate in Master's Meet for discus. 


Mr. Dennis Stubbs and the GVHS Football Team let us use a piece of their "armour" (shoulder pads) for Triton's armour.


Thank you to the amazing custodians at GVHS who provide endless support and keep our campus beautiful. 


As a director, my job is to weave the fabric together.  You all provide the support necessary to keep that fabric strong. GVHS Drama would like to give a special thank you to Principal Swartwood.  Without his blessings and support our production would not be possible!  We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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