Puffs (One Act for Young Wizards) - October 09

Grayson High School

 From the Director's Chair 

Good evening!


Welcome to Puffs!  HHHIIIIII!!!!


This has been an incredible journey thus far.  Tonight, we are proud to present to you the full version of our One Act Competition Show.  After tonight, the show will be cut down to 55 minutes to present to judges from around the state of Georgia in the Region 4-A One Act Competition on October 23, 2024 at Heritage High School.


One Act is an amazing day for our students.  Not only do we perform our piece, but we get to watch most everyone else.  It's a truly memorable experience for everyone involved.  It is a time for us to connect with friends we haven't seen in a while, learn what other theatre programs are doing, get ideas and get energized for the season to come.  I've personally seen many shows at One Act that have truly blown me away.  The amount of talent that comes to the stage is just incredible.


The competition at One Act is very different from anything these students have ever experienced on stage.  They have 55 minutes to set the stage, perform their piece and then get everything off the stage.  It does become a race against the clock in many situations.  Every 15 seconds we go over our time, we lose points, which goes against our overall score.  We are scored in 10 different categories including Ensemble, Vocal Interpretation, Rhythm and Tempo and Overall Production.  The combination of these scores will give us an overall standing of either Superior (90-100), Excellent (80-89), Good (70-79) or Poor (69 and below).  With the title of Regional Champion, we are also in competition for other awards.  Best Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Performers, All Star Casts and sometimes awards created by the judges to highlight technical elements or certain areas of acting.


I am incredibly proud of this cast and crew.  Puffs is not a simple show.  It has over 90 sound cues, 4 tables of props (with space under the props tables being used), every actor has at least 1 costume change, the set takes a good minute to get on stage at the start and end of the show and we have to make magic spells happen right before your eyes.  These students have taken every challenge and raised above it.  I told my costume people I wanted a dragon onstage, I got a dragon.  I told props to get organized backstage and I get prop tables that are not only organized for the show, but also by each character.  My set person gave me a great set design and said "please!  I want to do this."  I told her to go ahead and wow!  Look at it!  I told my actors to be off book and they came in 90% off book.


My Seniors came to me at the start of One Act season and begged for Puffs.  This is their full circle show.  They were freshmen the last time we did Puffs and now they are getting ready to go out into the real world.  I always know my time with each class is short, so I enjoy it to the fullest for as long as I can.  I'm so proud of each of our seniors and the journey they have taken through their high school career and I'm thankful to have been a part of it.


Enjoy the Show,

Toni Jarvis, GHS Theatre Arts Director

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