Puffs (One Act for Young Wizards) - October 09

Grayson High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Toni Jarvis


    HIIII!  Welcome to Puffs!  Mrs. Jarvis has been teaching Theatre for 21 years, 5 of those here at GHS.  When she has free time, she loves to spend time with her family watching rugby or movies.  She is a skilled seamstress creating quilts and costumes, winning multiple awards in both fields.  She would like to thank her husband and daughter for their love and support.

  • Sara Hutchinson

    Stage Manager

    Sara enjoys long walks on the beach while wearing socks with sandals.  One time she thought she was sick, but she had only eaten too many sweets.  She has a pet giraffe named Sammy, who follows her everywhere she goes.

  • Valentina Castro


    I love chorus, orcas and my friends!  I thank my friends and family. My experiences with puffs and its cast has been really awesome, very talented people! And my experiences in theatre have taught me so much about team working and leadership, and yes it can be a rocky road but it's a great opportunity.

  • Cheyanne Thompson


    One of the theater departments biggest mysteries. JUST KIDDING!!! Hi!!!! I'm Cheyanne! I have a rabbit whom i love dearly but he chews on everything so i'm trying to help him. I like to play video games in my free time or talk with my friends about any and everything. I'm also a big fan of quiet spaces but loud spaces don't bother me either!

  • Sophie Becker

    Props Mistress

    Sophie is a passionate technical theater student who has experienced many shows in her past 3 years of high school. I’m secretly spiderman

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