I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change - January 18 - February 03, 2019

Highlands Little Theatre

 Director's Note 



Life is funny, Love is funny, this show is funny.

     Life is funny because growing up I would have never of imagined living in Highlands County. I am very thankful for this loving community that supports the arts. The past 13 years living in Highlands County and participating at Highlands Little Theatre I have gained a second family. Thank you to my friends that I can always call for help during a production. The time you give is greatly appreciated. Especially the amazing cast and crew! You all have so much talent and professionalism. Thank you all for your time!

      Love is funny because I am married to the funniest and greatest man Dewayne Mercer. I would not be able to do theater without his love and time. He is always on my team pushing set, building set, locking up, listening to me worry, holding me when I cry. We will always be side by side, even when we are in the ground instead of standing on ground. “I Love you Forever” would be the title of our show.

     The show is funny! I really enjoy this show because it presents us with scenarios of relationships  that we all can relate to. This show is real. Love is funny, never perfect. No two relationships are the same and we shouldn't try to force them to be. Love is an open door. May you find the love of your life!


Amanda Mercer









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