The Burnt Part Boys - June 18 - June 20, 2021

History Boy Theatre Company

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Robby Pedersen head shot

    Robby Pedersen

    Director/Set Design/Choreographer

    I once overheard somone ask, "Robby, what's the secret of directing a successfull musical?" And Robby said, "There isn't one." The truth of the matter is directing is 1000 little things that when they stay true to an artistic vision and work till it shines, then you have a show. The person continued, "Now that I've been around the theatre for a few years I see, that a director has vision, a set of original ideas that makes it ours, designs and builds a set that is as clever and real as our space allows, inputs and finalizes with lights, props, & costumes, moves everyone around like chess pieces, and is the leader, cheerleader, and sometimes a boss that keeps us accountable in making the best art we all can.   We are lucky to  have someone like this in our little Hamlet. As History Boy becomes more and more acclaimed, without our rock, Robby Pedersen, History Boy is wthout a foundation.  Thank you Robby for your hard work and allowing us all to be a part of it!

  • Samantha Schmidt head shot

    Samantha Schmidt


    This is Samantha's 9th year here at HB and her 13th production (you can do the math).  This is the first time since Spelling Bee (2013) that she has not appeared on stage and it has definitley been a big change. She is very grateful for the opportunity to direct and all the knowledge that has been passed down from her dad, Robby. She would like to thank her husband and kiddos for the continued love and support for her crazy theatre addiction.

  • Christina Rickheim head shot

    Christina Rickheim


    This is Christina's 4th year and 6th production here at HB.  She has done sound, appeared on stage in Hands on a Hardbody and Young Frankenstein, been the ast. director, and is now breaking into producing. She enjoys spending as much time as possible with her kids and grandchildren.  She has worked for Smith Tire in Yale for the past 16 years and has loved every minute of it!  A big shout out to her wonderful partner in life, Robby Pedersen!  She feels lucky to get to work side by side with her best friend every day!

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