Disney's Aladdin JR. - December 09 - December 10, 2016

Hongwanji Mission School


This production would not exist if it wasn't for the help of many.  A HUGE MAHALO to:


Renee Oshiro

Kristyn Miyashiro

Mahina Reyes

KWL Services Inc-Duane Leong

Eden Lee-Murray

Gwen Dang

Michelle Tamayose

Kalae Durante 

Ralph Kaui

Chelsey Rillon 

Kim Silva

Cha Thompson

Ms. Amber 

Teddi Yagi

Irene Nakagawa

The Actor's Studio Class: Dennis, B-Boy, Kira, Riley, and Mina.

The Special Effects Steel Carpet Build Team

The Betsuin Temple

Pacific Buddhist Academ

Manoa Valley Theatre

Brad Powell

Thomas Tochiki


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