It's a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play - November 15 - November 16, 2024

IC Catholic Prep HS
IC Catholic Prep HS
IC Catholic Prep Knights' Theatre
 Adapted by
Jow Landry
Based on the book The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern
Music by Kevin Connors (used with permssion)



Matt Perez

Jasmine Villegas

Gabrielle Graham


Joseph Costa

Gunnar Swift

Ellie Perez

Also Featuring 

Samantha Castillo

Jenny Valdez

Anamia Jimenez

Athena Papadimitriou

Ainsley Camp


Stage Manager

Dan Duffy


Technical Help

Jade Ruiz-Diaz

Sam Duffy

Lighting Director

Mr. James Pechous



Mrs. Jenna Gorowowski


Directed by

Mr. Larry J. VanMersbergen



Let's take you back to the year 1948. You are in the radio studio of WBFR in New York.  These are actors returning to work after serving in the USO during WWII. The film "It's a Wonderful Life" came out two years ago and was already transcribed into a radio play.  The stage is set like an auditorium theatre in the late 1940s. Sound effects are done on stage by Foley artists (in this case other actors which was common). There are commercial breaks and jingles.  Please observe the Applause sign and follow the cues from the announcer and stage manager. Please no 8mm filming since it would violate our license. Please no flash bulb photography. 


The actors will gladly sign your autograph books by the stage door. 


Merry Christmas from WBFR Radio! 


Thank you for supporting Knights Theatre! 


--Larry VanMersbergen, Sponsor and Director