It's a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play - November 15 - November 16, 2024

IC Catholic Prep HS


We would be unable to present these productions without the support of:


Mrs. Danielle Wagner, Principal

Mrs. Jenna Gorowowski, Director of Student Activities

Ms. Katherine Pool, Assistant Pricinpal

Mr. Gary Wheaton, Dean of Students

Dr. Justin Camp, Business Manager

Mr. Bob Cronin, President of ICCP

Father Tom Paul, Pastor

Father Jeremey Leganski, Parochial Vicar

Ms. Peg Slavik

Ms. Julia Jazwiec

Mr. James Pechous

Mr. Brian Williams

Mr. Jon Muchowski

Mr. Nick Simpson

Mr. Dan Wagner

Ms. Bianca Madonia

Playscripts, Inc.

Mr. Kevin Connors

The community of Elmhurst, IL


The many who donated props and time to the show.


Thank you to all the families who made the commitment and sacrifice so their children could perform.






Chris and Geri Lynn Swift 

Michael Papadimitriou and Ellen Magas


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