Little Shop of Horrors - May 04 -

Legacy High School

 Who's Who 

  • Josh Sims

    as Seymour Krelborn

    Josh has been in two Legacy Productions: Broadway Bound and the Womanless Beauty Pageant. He also is involved with Legacy Improv. He has been able to get a lot of acting experience with Improv.

  • Rebekah Gull

    as Audrey

    Rebekah (Audrey) is thrilled to be a part of Little Shop as her final high school production. She has previously appeared as Desdemona (Othello), Mrs. Bennett (Pride and Prejudice), and Morticia Adams (The Addams Family) at LHS, as well as enjoyed positions like stage manager and choreographer. She would like to thank her awesome family, Ms. Salls and her wonderful boyfriend Nathan for all of the support and encouragment they have all given her.

  • Renee Wilmoth

    as Ms. Mushnick

    Renee (Mushnik) has been in 3 Legacy Productions- A Christmas Carol, The Variety Show, and Broadway Bound prior to being in Little Shop. She is in the Legacy Orchestra, Colour Guard and Winter Guard.

  • Marshall Rogers

    as Orin Scrivello

    Marshall has been in three Legacy productions where he was a host and an ensamble. He is very happy to be in the show and can't wait to participate in more. Remember to keep dancing through life.

  • Myara Palmer

    as Voice Of The Plant

    Myara (Audrey II, Mrs. Luce, Wino) played Thomas Jefferson in Broadway Bound this year and this is her first actual big performance in a production besides Broadway Bound. She is a member of the Legacy High School Band as a ephonium/baritone player and has been there since 7th grade. She plans to become a translator for books and other translatible texts once she graduates.

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