Shrek The Musical - April 24 - May 02, 2015

Liberty High School


Thanks to all who supported us throughout this whole production process!


Liberty Theatre Boosters!

Kathy Armacost

James and Tammye Vines

Rosemary Gehling-Korsos

Briana Moseley

Sean and Lisa Donohue

Wanda Anderson

Rose Artuso

Cary Stephan

Tracey Johnson


Skip Chang for taking great photos!


Families of the Directing Staff for their patience and support, we love you!


Liberty High School Administration

Alan Thimmig, Principal

Holly Meacham, AP

Steve Hutchcraft, AP

Cindy Wenzel, AP

Michael Sibley, Athletic Director, AP

Gary Arrasmith, Dean


Liberty High School Thespian Officers

Lilly DiSilverio, President

Cole Johnson, VP

Audrey Armacost, Secretary

Hannah Mellecker, Theatre Manager

Geanna Britton, Community Outreach


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